Maandeeq and CM Farms in Burco.

Dhankii reer guuraaga wuxuu ku tiirsanaa cadd, caano iyo midho. Maanta oo bulshadeenu u badantahay magaalo. Badi ama dhamaan cuntada waddanku waxay inooga timaadaa waddanada jiiraanka ama kuwa fog. Himilada mashruucan Maadeeq iyo CM Farm wuxuu isku deyeyaa inuu kobciyo wax soo saarka somaliland ee dhanka beeraha, calafka iyo xoolaha nool. .

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Drilling water well

To farm successfully farm in Somaliland, options available are limited and for now the best options is to drill for water. The first phase of the project was to drill the water well to depth of 175m. Water was reached at 85m and extra depth was drilled to increase perforation since water qualifier continued.


Make it stand out.

Renewable energy (solar) was implemented to in this first phase of the project to drive 20HP pump. This system is 26kW consisting of 68 solar panels with 380w power. Also additional solar system is used for light and other basic farm operation.

In cloudy day the power available from solar is limited and alternative system is required either wind or power generator (diesel fuel).


Finally the water well was tested with solar system in good sunny day and flowed about 25m3/h. The water level did not not drop much during the testing phase. The pump initially located at 140m is not at a shallower depth of 130m.

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Land Preparation

Land preparation has just stated. This is the start of the first phase.